Fatima Al-Shawish: Juggling Work and Study, A Personal Journey of Growth and Balance

Balancing work and study can be a daunting task, requiring dedication, time management skills, and unwavering commitment. In this article, we delve into the inspiring journey of Fatima Fathi Al-Shawish, a remarkable individual who successfully manages her career as a data entry officer at Presto while pursuing her master’s degree in Road Engineering. Through her own words and experiences, we explore the challenges she faced, the strategies she employed, and the unwavering support she received, highlighting the invaluable lessons she learned along the way.

Fatima began her journey at Presto on 1/23/2021 as a trainee, stepping into the world of e-commerce—a field distinct from her engineering specialization at college. It was a leap into the unknown, a new challenge that she was both excited and intimidated by. Little did she know that this opportunity would become a transformative addition to her personal and professional growth.

As a data entry officer at the partners department, her role revolves around meticulously entering and organizing data to enhance the user experience within the Presto application. From adding restaurant details like names and locations to cataloging menu items with their pictures and ingredients, her responsibilities demanded precision and attention to details.

Beyond data entry, her journey at Presto exposed her to various aspects of working with partner restaurants. She learned the intricacies of contracting and establishing mutually beneficial relationships with our valued partners. This diverse exposure widened her skill set and allowed her to develop a holistic understanding of the e-commerce industry.

What makes her experience truly exceptional is the flexibility provided by Presto. Despite the demands of her studies, Presto has been incredibly supportive, allowing her to attend lectures, prepare for exams, and even work remotely when necessary. This level of understanding and cooperation has played a vital role in enabling her to strike a harmonious balance between her professional commitments and academic pursuits.

In addition to the support from Presto, Fatima has been fortunate to have a strong support system in her family. They have been pillars of strength, offering encouragement, understanding, and providing her with the necessary resources to dedicate ample time to her studies. Their unwavering support has been invaluable throughout her journey.

Throughout her endeavors, she has learned the power of effective time management, setting priorities, and maintaining a positive mindset. Balancing work and study requires discipline, perseverance, and adaptability. It is important to be proactive in seeking support from both your workplace and your loved ones. Most importantly, believing in oneself and staying committed to personal growth are the keys to overcoming challenges and achieving success.






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