Anas Elsgaier

Anas Seghayer: The Journey Of 1000 Miles.

Presto chose the city of Benghazi as the first Libyan city in its expansion plan, because the market share in the city represents a golden opportunity for Presto to prove itself and consolidate this entity in the delivery services market in Benghazi.

The expansion team composed of passionate young people took the responsibility of transferring this experience upon themselves, traveling more than 1,000 kilometres away from their homes and families, in order to deliver their social responsibility rather than being a job, each according to his or her specialization, we want to share this part of this journey from the perspective of one of the team members who was responsible for transferring and implementing the work system for independent drivers in Benghazi, Eng.Anas Al-Saghir.

Anas is the person in charge of the drivers’ operations and the supervisor in Benghazi for establishing the independent work system, Anas believes that a large part of the difficulty of the task has been dealt with even before their arrival in the city, due to the people and society in the city welcoming the idea of Presto, and the drivers’ desire to cooperate and get a new job, (It was difficult, but difficult does not necessarily means impossible. During our two years of work in Tripoli, we gained experience and know-how attracting drivers and provide job opportunities for young men instead of wasting their time on other things) says Anas.

On his way to breaking down this process for us, he shows us the way to deal with applicants in Benghazi, where the team Anas is responsible for in Benghazi provides all facilities and clarifies all inquiries for these young men, as facilitating procedures and speeding up the process of registration and training reflects positively on those who cooperate with Presto as independent drivers, and this is done only with the cooperation of the rest of the departments in Presto, where they work together to ensure that drivers receive the best services possible, (In cooperation with other departments in Presto, we seek to provide the best experience for the independent driver from all Aspects, starting from the ease of registration and starting work from the same day, through continuous support throughout the day to facilitate tasks for drivers, and ending with offers) Anas comments.

Their readiness for such a shist in Presto was not a spur of the moment. Every step they took was well thought out and prepared in advance, taking into account all the possibilities arising from each step they took. Despite the time constraints and distance, they equipped the Presto building in an integrated and professional way, and it was fully equipped to be a starting point for all Presto operations in the city, they also prepared an independent point for registration and completion of financial transactions for drivers, taking into account the relative distance from the city centre, as it is equipped with a parking lot that can fit all those coming to register, and also the ease of reach from anywhere in Benghazi, (We equipped the headquarter in a record time, and we received applications from the drivers for training before we set off so that we would be fully prepared to meet customers’ orders in the best way to provide an excellent experience for both customers and drivers) Anas told us.

The sense of responsibility and carrying the message of continuing in the same pattern followed in Tripoli is a feeling shared by everyone who has a hand in this initiative. Providing the best possible and going beyond, that was and still is a goal that cannot be compromised or waived. The trust they found and the rising demand for the Presto experience from people increased, Anas comments: (We received a positive feedback from them – the drivers – as well as from the locals to our services as if they were waiting for us, which held us responsible for maintaining the quality of service and improving it for the better).

Anas Al-Saghir and many passionate young men are taking part in a unique experience, carrying a message that they travelled hundreds of kilometres in order to transfer it to another city of their beloved country Libya. They all share the same goal and perform their tasks in a harmony to draw a large painting for every passer-by stands to contemplate its essence. And that it was drawn up by promising young men who bear great social responsibility and duty, and an internal system that reflects the love of helping people and good deeds in the hearts of its holders, where you can see it in every detail with drivers and customers.






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